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Agent Activity Report
Agent Activity Report
Track and manage employees’ hours and view agents’ status in real-time.
$7 / mo, per agent
Developed by text|
Works with   LiveChat

Track when your agents log in, start accepting chats, change their status, and go offline throughout their shift each day.

This report is especially useful if you want to stay in control of what your agents are doing as well as track hours worked and spot work avoidance.

Key Features

See only the information you need
All reports can be filtered to show results for specific conditions. Making analyzing data easier.
Create custom reports
All reports can be saved to a CSV file.


Track and manage employee hours

Use the agent activity report to see when and for how long your agents were chatting.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

To get help and support contact text|. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Agent Activity Report.

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