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LiveChat for BigCommerce will help you turn store visitors into customers.
Developed by text|
Works with   LiveChat
BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform. With this software, you can choose a theme and customize it to fit your brand. All of the templates are mobile-friendly. What is more, BigCommerce lets you sync your inventory with Facebook Shop, Pinterest, eBay, Amazon and Square POS to process all your orders from a single location. It integrates with PayPal powered by Braintree, Stripe, Apple Pay, Pay with Amazon and dozens more — all with low rates. Finally, you can use BigCommerce's extensions to broaden its functionalities.

Key Features

Easy installation
When it comes to our BigCommerce integration, plug and play is the term that comes to mind. All you gotta do is to copy our ready-made code and paste it into the dedicated module provided by BigCommerce. It's that easy! What's more, we provide a tutorial as well.
Chat tool that will enhance your website
With our modern chat window and eye-catchers, you will not only grab your customers' attention but also enrich the visual side of your store. Add LiveChat to your website and kill two birds with one stone!
Ticketing system for 24/7 service

LiveChat for BigCommerce not only adds chat to your website but also provides you with a free of any additional charges ticketing system – because we know that your customers like to be covered 24/7!


Talk with the customer and understand their needs
All website visitors are essentially sales opportunities. Once installed, LiveChat makes it easy for you to communicate with browsing visitors, build better relationships, and close more deals.
Increase average order value

Using LiveChat to talk to the customer helps you understand their needs and wants. You can use that knowledge to recommend similar products and services to increase the average order value.

Create repeat customers through live chat

With live chat, you can have a direct contact with the customer that allows you to maintain and improve loyalty to your brand.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing BigCommerce will give the developer access to:


Customers, Archives, Reports, Tickets


Agents, Groups, Settings

The developer text| indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact text|. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of BigCommerce.

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