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  • Desk.com

Manage your customer support with ease and increase your helpdesk’s visibility with Desk.com integration.
Developed by text|
Works with   LiveChat
Desk.com is the all-in-one support app that keeps customers happy. It connects multiple support channels from social media, like Facebook and Twitter, to more traditional channels like phone, chat, and email. Desk.com has integration with Salesforce, which means that your sales and service teams are always in sync. With this software, you can set up knowledgebase for multiple brands, quickly answer on customers cases and finally collect valuable metrics to improve support process.

Key Features

Create tickets on the fly and from Archives!
With our Desk integration, you can easily turn your chats into tickets on the fly – and all of that with just a single click! And if you think that one of your archived chats should find it's placed in Desk, we will take care of it for you as well.
See your customer's history straight during a chat!
Chat with your customer and check his ticket history at the same time! With LiveChat for Desk, you can see what other tickets your customer have opened in the past – without leaving your LiveChat application.


Boost your operators productivity
View chat transcripts, offline messages and visitor details from LiveChat directly from the desk.com interface.
Enhance the customer experience
With LiveChat integration for desk.com, it’s easy to monitor customer engagements, conduct quality control and both support and supervise agents.
Document all customer interactions
Using LiveChat and desk.com makes it easy to manage all of your customer requests and follow-up activities from one place.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing Desk.com will give the developer access to:


Webhooks and integrations, Archives

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact text|. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Desk.com.

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