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  • PrestaShop

Integrate PrestaShop with LiveChat to boost your online sales using chats with customers.
Works with   LiveChat
PrestaShop is a free open-source e-commerce solution which you can use to run stores in the cloud or via self-hosting. With this software, you can build and manage a complete catalog with thousands of products in hundreds of categories. PrestaShop lets you find out more about your customers and how they want to shop in your store. It also gives you tools to analyze how products are selling so you can increase conversion rates. Besides analytical tools PrestaShop is fully responsive, enabling you to deliver a great experience on any device. Your customers will be able to use your store directly from their phone. The PrestaShop admin dashboard is responsive as well, so you can monitor your store from any device.

Key Features

Increase the number of sales with LiveChat!
Integrate OpenCart with LiveChat with just a few easy steps and increase your Sales in no time! All of that with a versatile chat tool that you can tweak to match both – your customers and your website design!
Track additional detaisl about your customers
With LiveChat for PrestaShop you can see what your customers are interested in – whether it's the product that they are currently watching or their carts' value, you can get all of that straight during a chat! Use that knowledge to better target your customers' needs.


Dispel doubts about your products and services
All website visitors are essentially sales opportunities. Once installed, LiveChat makes it easy for you to communicate with browsing visitors, build better relationships, and close more deals.
Create repeat customers through live chat

With live chat, you can have a direct contact with the customer that allows you to maintain and improve loyalty to your brand.

Get to the point of your customer's issue faster
Customers want a fast response time to their queries and problems. With LiveChat, you can offer real-time help, ensuring more sales and customer satisfaction in the process.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing PrestaShop will give the developer access to:


Customers, Archives, Reports, Tickets


Agents, Groups, Settings

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