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  • WordPress

Use this integration to place a live chat function on your Wordpress website.
Works with   LiveChat
WordPress is an open-source content management software (CMS). It started as a simple blogging system but moved quite fast towards a fully functional CMS. To create a website with this software you need to download and install software script on your server. Installation is straightforward. Many hosting providers give the one-click option to install WordPress automatically, which is convenient. When it comes to features, you can create posts and static pages without coding. With WordPress, the design you choose for your website is 100% customizable, and the blogs are built-in and ready to go. You can also use free themes out of the box. There is a high percentage of developers who are building themes and plugins for WordPress, which means that if you are looking for a feature to add to your WordPress website, there is a high possibility that it will already be available for you, and all you have to do is to install it. Many of these are free.

Key Features

Endless possibilities

Wordpress is all about versatility. Whether running an online store or a personal blog, Wordpress is there to deliver – so is LiveChat. Equip your Wordpress with LiveChat and make sure that your visitors will always get a chance to talk with you. No matter the topic.

Native integration
To make sure that LiveChat will work with your Wordpress perfectly, we created a dedicated plugin – always ready and waiting to deliver one of the easiest integration in our Marketplace. And to make things even smoother, we are throwing a step-by-step tutorial. Because we like to make your life easier.


Provide a quick means of customer support
Customers want a fast response time to their queries and problems. With LiveChat, you can offer real-time help, ensuring more sales and customer satisfaction in the process.
Live chat can increase your conversion rate by 29%
All website visitors are essentially sales opportunities. Once installed, LiveChat makes it easy for you to communicate with browsing visitors, build better relationships, and close more deals.
Create repeat customers through live chat
With live chat, you can have a direct contact with the customer that allows you to maintain and improve loyalty to your brand.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing WordPress will give the developer access to:


Customers, Archives, Reports, Tickets


Agents, Groups, Settings

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